The Scarecrow Invasion Parade

When: Friday October 3rd, 2025 - Starts 6:00 PM

Where: Sykes Street Downtown Meaford

The best parade in town! Fun for the entire Family!

Don’t miss out on all of the excitement!

Want to be part of the Parade! Awesome!

The more the merrier!

Best Entry Competition:

  • Judging criteria will be based on craftsmanship and creativity.

  • Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed entries in the amounts of $250, $100 and $50.

  • Judges will be the parade commentators Jamie Pettit and Rob Uhrig.

Road Closures & Parking

  • Sykes Street will be closed from Bayfield St to Berry St including all streets along the parade route from 5:00 PM - 6:45 PM

  • Please keep the parade route free of parked vehicles after 4:30 PM the day of the parade, October 4th

  • Accessible parking for the parade will be available as follows

    • the entire east side of Denmark Street between Bridge, and Boucher Streets (8 vehicles)

    • the entire parking area at 69 Denmark Street (14 vehicles)

  • Refer to Parade Map (link above) for more details